Excel Estimate Template

Excel Estimate Template

Get the Free Excel Estimate Template from Billed to help you create professional and detailed estimates with just a few clicks. Download now and start sending detailed estimates quickly.

Get Your Free Excel Estimate Template

The estimate is the first impression you leave with your customers; therefore, it is important that your professionalism is reflected in your estimates and represents you and your business in the best possible way.
We have designed professional-looking excel estimate templates for you and available to download for free. Simply include your logo, company name, address, phone number, and other corresponding details and you are now ready to impress your customers.

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Download Free Excel Estimate Template

Free Excel Estimate Template

Excel Estimate Template

This free excel estimate template is designed exclusively for your needs. This ready-made template allows you to create accurate and professional-looking estimates quickly in the right way. Download it now.

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Printable Excel Estimate Template

Excel Estimate Template

If you have a printed matter that interests you, you can use this printable excel estimate template. Download it now and give your business and services a professional look with this beautiful and editable estimate template.

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Estimate With Billed

Print, download or send your estimate for free with Billed.

Excel Estimate Template

Estimate With Billed

Download the free professionally designed, fully customizable estimate template from Billed.

Excel Estimate Template

Blank Excel Estimate Template

Excel Estimate Template

Creating and sending detailed and accurate estimates is a matter of just a few clicks with this elegant and editable blank excel estimate template. It is a complete package that fits perfectly to fill all our business needs. Download it now.

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Excel Sample Estimate Template

Impress your customers by issuing them detailed and professional-looking estimates. Download this sample excel estimate template for free, and start creating professional and high-quality estimates in just a few seconds.

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What is an estimate?

The contractor presents an estimate to the client before the contract is officially signed. It mainly shows the contract details and costs. Estimates do not have to be submitted, but most companies present them to their clients before signing a contract. Negotiations and transactions can proceed based on the estimate.
Therefore you should use an estimate creation tool like Billed to create an estimate. With the help of our pre-made stylish quote template, anyone can create a good-looking estimate quickly and ideally.

What's the difference between an estimate and an invoice?

An estimate is a preliminary approximation of the cost or price for a specific product or service provided to the customer before the work begins. It outlines the anticipated expenses and gives an estimated total.

Example: A contractor provides an estimate to a homeowner for a kitchen renovation, stating that the cost of materials, labor, and additional fees will amount to approximately $20,000.

Conversely, an invoice is an official document issued by a seller to a buyer after the completion of goods or services. It specifies the actual amount the buyer owes based on the agreed-upon price and any additional charges incurred during the transaction.

Example: After completing the kitchen renovation, the contractor sends an invoice to the homeowner detailing the actual costs incurred, such as $18,000 for materials, $6,000 for labor, and $1,000 for additional fees, resulting in a total of $25,000.

Write an estimate that your customer will accept.

Everyone has already received an offer or a cost estimate that they were annoyed about. What are common causes for this? The contractor did not fully understand the customer and is offering something that the customer does not want. That is why it is important for you as an entrepreneur to communicate well with your customers. It usually helps to pick up the phone for a moment. 

You also have to be honest with yourself and your customer: only offer something that you can really do at this price. And of course, consider in advance whether you want to include room for discounts in your first offer. 

Fairness and quality are important for a good relationship with the customer and thus a good basis for long-term success! Make your work easier with software like Billed for creating professional offers and cost estimates for more customer satisfaction! 

Why Use Our Estimate Templates?

Every client and project has different requirements and budget-levels. To meet all the levels of budgets and requirements, you need to create a quote that fits all your and your client’s needs.

That’s why you need to use accounting software that fulfills all your business needs. Luckily, Billed is a powerful tool that can centrally manage and streamline the business, and SMEs, like sales management, payment management, grasping sales forecasts, cash flow forecasts, as well as creating quotations and invoices. 

  • Create quotes in bulk
  • Automatic calculation
  • Alert function to prevent billing omission
  • Reduce the psychological stress of paperwork

Highlights of Our Excel Estimate Templates

Our Excel estimate templates are designed to make creating estimates easier than ever. Here are a few features that make our templates stand out:

  • Free to use – our templates are free to use so that you can create estimates quickly and easily.
  • Customizable – all of our templates are customizable, so you can tailor the estimate to fit your needs.
  • Easy to use – our Excel estimate templates are designed for ease of use, so you don’t need special skills or knowledge to create an accurate estimate.
  • Automatically Calculates – each template automatically calculates taxes, labor costs, and other fees, so you don’t have to do the math yourself.

What is the expiration date of the estimate?

The expiration date of an estimate refers to the date until which the estimate remains valid and applicable. It signifies the period during which the estimate’s pricing and terms are considered accurate and binding. The estimating party typically determines the expiration date. It may vary depending on factors such as industry norms, project duration, market conditions, and the specific terms and conditions stated in the estimate. It is important to note that once the expiration date passes, the estimate may no longer be considered valid, and its pricing and terms may be subject to revision or renegotiation.

Estimate making rules

When making an estimate, first calculate a rough amount and present it to the other party.

After that, you will create proposals and specifications to ensure that both parties do not misunderstand and then further squeeze the estimate’s contents.

When presenting the estimate, you must accurately describe the items, quantity, unit price, etc.

How do I use Billed's free estimate templates?

Billed’s free estimate templates are user-friendly and make creating professional estimates quickly and accurately easy. First, download the free estimate template from Billed to use the template. Once you have it downloaded, open the template in your favorite spreadsheet program and customize the template to include all relevant information required for your business, such as company name and logo, client information, a description of services provided, estimated costs, any additional charges, terms, and conditions, etc. Then, email your estimate as a PDF file to your client.

How to Make an Excel Estimate?

When creating an estimate, you should include the following information:

  1. Download the Free Excel Estimate Template from Billed 
  2. Add your company name, logo, and contact information, and the word “Estimate” will be displayed.
  3. Add client Information like the client’s name, address, and contact details.
  4. Add the date on which the estimate is being prepared.
  5. Add a detailed description of the products or services you will be providing. Be specific about the scope of work, including quantities, measurements, and any other relevant details.
  6. Add and break down the costs involved in the project, including materials, labor, subcontractors (if applicable), taxes, permits, and other expenses. List each item separately with its corresponding price.
  7. Add subtotals for different categories of costs (e.g., materials, labor) and include the total for each category.
  8. Add additional charges if there are any additional charges, such as shipping fees or taxes, clearly state them separately, and include the total.
  9. Add terms and conditions related to the estimate, such as payment terms, project timeline, and applicable warranties.
  10. Specify the validity period of the estimate, which indicates how long the quoted prices will remain valid.

Download The Excel Estimate Template For Free

Our Excel estimate templates are the perfect solution to create an accurate estimate quickly and easily. Get started today by downloading our free templates!

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